
Showing posts from June 13, 2010

Wealth of the gods

Having little, he cried. The gods took pity on him and gave him the tiniest portion of their wealth, causing him to become rich beyond his imagination. Thieves, schemers and false friends arrived. Barricading himself behind strong walls, he cried. DGR ""Er besaß nur wenig und weinte. Die Götter hatten Mitleid mit ihm und gaben ihm den kleinsten Anteil an ihrem Reichtum, wodurch er über alle Maßen reich wurde. Nun kamen Diebe, Betrüger und falsche Freunde. Er schloss sich hinter dicken Mauern ein und weinte." DGR"

Abusing Tibetan Protector Practices

This video was taken while I and a number of my students visited Mahakala cave in India. There is a great deal of misunderstanding regarding protector practices. I hope that this will bring discussion in the Buddhist community so that the abuse of Heruka beings will stop. Protectors will come naturally at the time the practitioner needs transformation of certain kinds of energies and is not meant to be used as a cosmic "strong man" for ordinary purposes short part 2 describes the need for protector practices "Dieses Video entstand w e ährend ich mit einigen meiner Schüler die Mahakalahöhle in Indien besuchte. Es gibt viele Missverständnisse, was Beschützerpraktiken betrifft. Ich hoffe, dass hieraus eine Diskussion in der buddhistischen Gemeinschaft entsteht, damit der Missbrauch von Herukawesen ein Ende hat. Beschützer werden sich auf natürliche Weise einfinden wenn der Übende die Transformation bestimmter Energien benötigt. Sie sollten nicht als kosmi...

My Personal Memories of First Tibet House

Tibet House had been active for about a year when I arrived in New Delhi to work there at the request of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. I had a lot to do. We had few people working so each of us did a lot. That’s interesting, because usually Rinpoches are more ceremonial. That was the very first Tibet House. It was the only Tibet House. When I went back there around 2003, I spoke to the monk in charge of the museum, (which was my earlier special responsibility). Back in the 60’s he was a young Tibetan monk who cleaned the windows and floors, and now he is the in charge. I suppose in 30 years one could learn quite a lot. I sat down with him that day and told him I remembered him, described his earlier job, and shared a number of memories with him. He was surprised, I do not think he comprehended that I was the same Domo Geshe, although, everything I said about him, he absolutely agreed. Perhaps that was because I did not look quite the same as my just previous life! Because ...

Buddhist Concentration

Concentration cannot be discovered before attaining motivation. Concentration is the result of align ... ed energies that have been made supple by correct high thinking, and not by forcing the mind. Cultivating the motivation to forever follow the Path to Perfection, as well as complete curiosity to deeply understand what the Buddha thought, is high thinking. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche~~~