
Showing posts from June 28, 2009

First finish.. then begin... Quote


Marks and Signs of a Buddha

“One takes refuge by knowing the good qualities of one’s refuge.” The good qualities of the Buddha: the Buddha has four types of good qualities: 1- the good qualities of his body, 2- his speech, 3- his mind, and 4- of his good works. Regarding the good qualities of the Buddhas body has two viewpoints, the outer and the inner descriptions and the outer and inner meanings of the descriptions. Regarding the descriptions of the outer marks and signs of the Buddha we check the scriptures for the various marks that are on the soles of the foot, the palms of the hands, the earlobes and so forth. (1) However, it really helps to have been born as a Brahmin in India 2,500 years ago. There are many of you whose short or even missing earlobes will never pull down and yet you can walk into any common Indian market and see many people with long earlobes, one of the external marks and signs of a Buddha. So perhaps the sooner we divest ourselves of what actually are the external marks and signs of a...

Life, death and cheese... Quote


Botticelli lives!

Working on the last galley proofs for Mystery of Emptiness & Love book.....must get to press now quickly as many are waiting.... here I offer a couple of photos I subjected to change appearance as though they were painted by Botticelli or other famous painters. If you wish to try it - go to

Everything you are.... Quote


Hermitage Buddhist Publishing

We are happy to announce Hermitage Buddhist Publishing produces books by Domo Geshe Rinpoche. PO Box 126, Neillsville, WI 55456 USA books are available through Hermitage, White Conch,, or Joyful Path or ask your local bookstore to order from New Leaf Distributors Part One of Mystery of Emptiness & Love defines the problem sentient beings face with understanding the nature of reality. This predicament results because the innate view causes us to see ourselves and the world around us in a way that is not consistent with the way it actually exists. Because of the innate view, we experience suffering that moves from imperceptible to manifest, while remaining in a kind of sleep-like inner stupor or hypnosis. Part Two contains the step-by-step method by which the innate view is dismantled. We arrive at the correct view through careful, sequential elimination of incorrect views. The arguments are presented in the form of short excerpts...

What Is Desire?

Shantideva “ Although wishing to have happiness, like an enemy they ignorantly destroy it. ” If seeking happiness is the prime directive and nearly all of our available energy goes toward seeking, acquisition and grasping or hanging onto happiness, then we should already have a tremendous amount of happiness. There should be a huge pool of happiness and we should be able to find as much happiness as we want because we were built to be satisfied by getting what we want. And yet, we know that is not true. What you don't want, often comes to you unbidden, and what you really really desire is as though it is held hostage away from you. Student: If what one really desires is held away from them…but what about when we do get the things that we desire and then we find that they don’t make us happy. Rinpoche: That’s interesting. It is because the acquisition of objects of desire is not what you really want. You actually want to experience desire. The human realm has been described as a de...