Humans are Pretty Much Alike!
All suffering beings are caught in a vortex of deep confusion regarding their true identity and will arise in one perceptual realm or another. This will be dependent on how similar they are in their confusion to others in that place and will experience a shared world, even though personal points of view can be very different from each other. This is how the separation of the six samsaric realms exist; living beings arising in varieties of misunderstandings regarding how they actually exist, will enter into generalized causes and effects that will continue to hold them to a particular realm, such as the human realm. Awakening from that confusion immediately exhausts their capacity to live in that realm, which is now closed to them for future rebirths caused by confusion. This is an evolutionary perceptual journey.~DGR ~~~ ""Alle leidenden Wesen sind in einem Strudel tiefer Verwirrung gefangen was ihre wahre Identität betrifft und sie werden deshalb in diesem oder jenem Wahrneh...