Optimism and Changing Difficulties

Optimism has at its core... optimizing! From the spectrum of the choices of words, thoughts and attitudes, an optimist will make the most of a situation by selecting only those marked "positive." Lifting those attitudes to the light of expression, the optimist encourages poor choices to languish by disuse. Let's try to extract the essence of auspiciousness or even enhanced luck by the distillation of our choices! ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~
""Der Optimismus hat in seinem Kern...das Optimieren! Aus dem Spektrum der Auswahlmöglichkeiten an Worten, Gedanken und Haltungen wird der Optimist aus einer Situation das beste machen, indem er nur das auswählt was als 'positiv' gekennzeichnet ist. Indem er diese Haltungen ausdrückt und hochhält, bringt er die schlechteren Auswahlmöglichkeiten dazu, durch Nichtbeachtung langsam zu verkümmern. Lasst uns versuchen die Essenz des Glücksverheißenden oder des Glückes selbst zu extrahieren, indem wir unsere Möglichkeiten destillieren! - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---~~

L'ottimismo ha nel suo cuore ... l'ottimizzazione! Dalla gamma delle scelte di parole, pensieri e atteggiamenti, un ottimista trarrà il meglio di una situazione selezionando solo quelli contrassegnati "positivo". Elevando quegli atteggiamenti alla luce della espressione, l'ottimista condanna le scelte sbagliate a languire per il disuso. Cerchiamo di estrarre l'essenza del buon auspicio o addirittura della esaltata fortuna dalla distillazione delle nostre scelte! ~ Domo Ghesce Rinpoce
Skillful honesty in communications are a great healing for sore throats as well as relationships.

 "Changing Difficulties" Every action performed is for seeking happiness and avoiding suffering. Experiencing unhappy events in your life can be an indication that changes are needed. In a sense, you are not suited for your own future. The storm of emotional display that is surrounding unfortunate circumstances needs to subside as is causing a storm in you. Rinpoche shares a calming technique in this free audio podcast


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