Thinking with My Heart

We cannot possibly be happy enough with the heaviness of an ordinary body and mind!

The teachings of our historical Gautama Buddha did not belong to him but to the actual Buddha, meaning the awakened state. The Buddha did not transmit all of the awakened teachings. Why? ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~~

The Dharma will be fulfilled when all living beings are free.
The wheel of dharma, set in motion will continue to turn.
This is not the only world that Buddhas come to teach. Other realms and Buddhafields have different needs. This is also done by the awakened ones
"People not ready until they finish the first step transformation" . We should not think that everything has been revealed, everything that is suitable to be worked with, with the capacity of human beings, has been fully revealed. So very much more!
How skillful the Buddha was to not "overload" with too much unrelated information. The innate view of perceiving what is not real to be real inhibits the capacity to understand higher awakened teachings. We must evolve to become the ones capable of receiving those teachings in the future! The Buddha has enticed us to evolve!

"Die Lehren unseres historischen Gautama Buddha gehörten nicht ihm, sondern dem eigentlichen Buddha, d. h. dem erleuchteten Zustand. Der Buddha hat nicht alle erwachten Lehren übermittelt. Warum?" - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---

People today are more difficult to awaken. The sages of ancient times took all of the easy ones, helping them to discover their true nature. The great scholars convinced even more with logic. Those who could pray communicated with those who could be moved with prayer. Soon we will have only the nightingales song to awaken the stubborn. ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~

"Es ist heutzutage schwieriger die Menschen zu erwecken. Die Weisen aus alten Zeiten nahmen sich all die leichten Fälle vor und halfen ihnen, ihre wahre Natur zu entdecken. Die großen Gelehrten haben durch ihre Logik eine noch größere Anzahl überzeugt. Diejenigen, die beten konnten, haben mit jenen kommuniziert, die durch Gebete erreicht werden konnten. Bald wird nur noch das Lied der Nachtigall übrig sein, um die Widerspenstigen zu erwecken." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---


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