Buddha Style Determination

"Siddhartha, the soon to be Buddha, confronted his father to question his attempts to shelter him because he could see that those could not actually protect him from aging, sickness and eventual death. His journey of discovery lasted many years and led him to final preparation for transformation into the awakened state. This is a very special, specific awakened state, different than the goals of yogic siddhas at that time. Prince Siddhartha knew that freedom was of a different kind than the training offered at that time, even though there were many spiritual seekers. He could not accept that the goal of their process. Perhaps he could not even verbalize what he was looking for, but he knew what it was not. His special entry was into a paradigm free of confusion.

The goals of yogic states offered by the spiritual practices at that time, were for the most part, an entry into various worldly abilities and powers. His firm goal was a state free from confusion. It is transcendent because it is a definitive interior break from the inner environment that brings rise to confusion. The awakening is not to nothingness, a void. It reconfigures the essence being to adapt to less harsh environments suitable for higher practices, such as pure lands. The teachings, the dharma and the Great Path to Perfection is the door held open to us by the Buddha to awaken us to True Freedom to practice higher paths." ~Domo Geshe Rinpoche ~~~

Bei den Zielen yogischer Zustände, die spirituelle Praktiken zu jener Zeit anboten, handelte es sich hauptsächlich um den Eintritt in verschiedene Zustände weltlicher Fähigkeiten und Kräfte. Sein festes Ziel und der Eintritt in eine neue Art des Erwachens war ein Zustand der frei von jeglicher Verwirrung war. Er ist alles übersteigend, weil er einen eindeutigen inneren Bruch von dem inneren Umfeld das Verwirrung entstehen lässt, darstellt. Man erwacht nicht zu einem Nichts, zu einer Leere. Das Wesen wird in seinem Kern umgestaltet, damit es sich an ein weniger rauhes Umfeld gewöhnen kann, das für höhere Praktiken geeignet ist, wie z. B. die reinen Bereiche. Die Lehren, das Dharma und der Grosse Pfad zur Vollkommenheit sind die Tür, die uns der Buddha aufhält, damit wir zur wahren Freiheit die höheren Pfade zu praktizieren erwachen." - Domo Geshe Rinpoche ---


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